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 摘 要
农药废水毒性高,直接排放对环境污染非常严重。因此许多学者和企业对农药废水的处理和利用技术进行研究。本文根据前人的研究成果综述了农药废水的处理和利用现状,有针对性的对农药废水自身的特性,通过对膜分离技术处理废水, SBR 法处理废水, 生物接触氧化法处理废水, 厌氧生物法处理废水, 催化氧化法处理废水, 深井曝气法处理废水等处理农药废水的几种处理方法的详细分析,确定最佳方案即用中和微碱解—厌氧水解—SBR法处理农药废水。本文介绍了有关中和微碱解—厌氧水解—SBR法的处理流程和设计的计算,对碱解池、格栅、调节池、沉淀池、UASB 池,SBR池、污泥浓缩池等进行了精细的设计和计算。并对主要构筑物 UASB 池,做了详细的说明。UASB 处理高浓度有机废水,其关键是培养出沉降性能良好的厌氧颗粒污泥。采用此工艺,不但使处理流程简洁,也节省了运行费用,废水处理装置采用计算机进行自动控制,自动控制系统设有多种运行模式,可根据废水水质方便地加以转换,最大限度地保证了废水的处理效果。

关键词:厌氧水解;UASB ;SBR

If the high toxicity of pesticide wastewater is directed emissions, the environmental pollution is very serious. Therefore many scholars and businesses make scientific researches on the pesticide wastewater treatment and use of technology. The paper ,which is based on previous research achievement ,summarized the present status of disposing the pesticide wastewater. And it also focused on the characteristics of its own pesticide wastewater, through the analysis of several methods, such as the membrane separation technology to treat wastewater, SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) treatment of wastewater, biological contact oxidation wastewater treatment, Anaerobic biological treatment of wastewater, catalytic oxidation process wastewater treatment, deep well aeration method wastewater treatment and so on, which focus on disposing pesticide wastewater, there at last the best option is determined, namely, the technology of neutralization weak alkaline solution - anaerobic hydrolysis-SBR. In this paper, there have introduced the process and design calculations of the relevant neutralization weak alkaline solution - anaerobic hydrolysis-SBR technology. With respect to Alkali-soluble pool、the grille、regulation pool、sedimentation tanks、UASB pool、SBR pool、sludge thickening tank and so on, they have been designed and calculated by meticulous. And for major structures ,such as UASB pool, a pool of contacts, they have been explained by details. Using the technology of UASB to deal with the wastewater of high concentration organism, the key is to cultivate the anaerobic granular sludge of favorable settlement . With this technology ,it can not only simplify the process of treating water ,but also save operating costs. Wastewater treatment plants use computer automation. Automatic control system with multiple modes of operation, waste water can be converted easily be as much as possible to ensure the effectiveness of wastewater treatment.

Keyword: Anaerobic hydrolysis ;Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed;Sequencing Batch Reactor

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 设计任务及依据 1
1.2.1设计任务 1
1.2.2设计依据 1
1.3 农药工业的污染 2
1.3.1农药工业污染现状 2
1.3.2农药废水的主要特点 2
第2章 方案选择 3
2.1 水质分析 3
2.2 常用几种工艺比较分析 3
2.2.1吸附法 3
2.2.2萃取法 3
2.2.3膜分离技术 3
2.2.4超声波技术 4
2.2.5混凝沉淀法 4
2.2.6催化氧化法 4
2.2.7焚烧法 5
2.2.8微电解法 5
2.2.9深井曝气法 6
2.2.10生物接触氧化法 6
2.2.11活性污泥法 7
2.2.12 UASB处理工艺 8
2.3 处理方案的确定 9
2.4 处理工艺流程说明 9
第3章 各构筑物计算及选型 11
3.1 中和微碱解反应池 11
3.1.1池体设计计算 11
3.1.2主要设备 11
3.2 格栅设计及选型 11
3.2.1设计计算 11
3.2.2格栅选型 13
3.3 调节池 14
3.3.1工艺尺寸 14
3.3.2工艺装备 14
3.4 沉淀池 14
3.4.1沉淀池表面积A 14
3.4.2校核水力停留时间t 14
3.4.3沉淀池尺寸 15
3.4.4污泥量Qs 15
3.4.5校核泥斗容积 16
3.4.6沉淀池进出水设计 16
3.4.7沉淀池需气量计算 17
3.5 均化水解池(UASB) 17
3.5.1反应区 17
3.5.2三相分离器 17
3.5.3布水区 18
3.5.4出水区 18
3.5.5 UASB结构及布置结果见图 18
3.5.6产气量 19
3.6 SBR反应池 19
3.6.1设计计算 19
3.6.2工艺装备 23
3.7 污泥浓缩池 24
3.7.1设计参数 24
3.7.2参数选取 24
3.7.3设计计算 24

结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28




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