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 摘 要:当代汽车内部设施多元化,用途增多,装有大量的电子装置,日趋智能化、复杂化,其运行环节日趋专业;同时,汽车是由电路、油路、气路系统以及多种机械、电器、功能构件、装饰材料于一个有限的空间内的复杂系统,运行时相互联系,因此汽车火灾危险性日益增大。汽车火灾具有火势蔓延快、扑救难度大、扑救地点多元、扑救时间全天候,扑救手段综合等特点。所以,汽车火灾调查呈现出更强的专业性和技术性,调查难度大,原因认定困难,具有更广泛的涉及面和知识面。与其他火灾相比,汽车火灾容易造成人员伤亡。本文通过论述一起汽车火灾调查过程,从汽车各个系统入手,分析了此类火灾在询问、勘验、调查分析环节的流程,基于汽车火灾的特殊性,总结出有针对性的调查的一般方法和注意事项。对于更准确的认定起火原因,更高效的处理汽车火灾案件具有借鉴意义。在现场照片和笔录的基础之上,采用适当的多媒体技术,为此类火灾提供新的调查思路,具有可操作性和实践意义。

关键词 汽车火灾;火灾调查;虚拟现实技术

The Investigation of a Vehicle Fire

Abstract: Contemporary vehicles are diversified in interior purposes, equipped with a large number of electronic devices, becoming more and more intelligent and complicated, its running progress is professional day and day; At the same time, a vehicle is composed of integrated circuit, oil path, gas path system, as well as a variety of mechanical, electrical appliances, decorative materials, functional components in a limited space of complex systems, they contact with each other, so the car fire risk is increasing. Vehicle fires are fast in fire spreading, difficult in saving, multiple in saving places, all-weather in saving times, comprehensive in save means, etc. Vehicle fire investigation, therefore, become more professional and technical, hard in investigating and affirming; a broader knowledge and a related scope are used in the field. Compared with other fires, casualties are easily caused in vehicle fires. A vehicle fire investigation process which is base on each individual system is discussed in this paper, and inquiry, inspection, investigation and analysis process are summarized; based on the particularity of vehicle fires, the targeted general method in surveys and the precautions are summed up in the paper. It has reference significance to affirm reason of the fire more accurately and process car fire case more efficient. Base on site photos and record, the appropriate multimedia technologies, which used in the paper to provide new research ideas for these fires, are operable and practical.

Keywords vehicle fires; fire investigation; virtual reality technology.

目 录

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III

1 绪论 1
2 火灾现场询问 3
2.1对车主的询问情况 3
2.2对驾驶人的询问情况 3
2.3对火灾第一发现人的询问情况 4
3火灾现场勘验 5
3.1环境勘验 5
3.2初步勘验 6
3.3细项勘验 7
3.4专项勘验 9
4 起火原因认定 10
5 总结 13
5.1 汽车火灾的一般特点 13
5.2 汽车火灾的一般调查流程和注意事项 14
5.3 多媒体处理技术在汽车火灾调查中应用的探讨 15
5.3.1 Photoshop技术在火灾调查中的应用 15
5.3.2 3ds max技术在火灾调查中的应用 16
6 结束语 18
7 参考文献 19
8 致谢 20
附录 21

1 绪论

国外有关机构分别对汽车火灾的危险性、现场勘查、物证提取及技术鉴定进行研究[6]。《U.S. Vehicle Fire Trends And Patterns》[14]中,基于统计数据对发生汽车火灾的伤亡损失、起火部位、起火原因、起火物和引燃因素等进行了分析。美国车辆火灾研究所对汽车燃烧试验,汽车火灾防护材料和汽车火灾燃烧对环境的影响进行了卓有成效的工作。美国还对汽车防火方面的消防技术规范进行了研究,如《Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard》、NFPA556等[15]。
Photoshop强大的照片处理功能,可以当作火灾调查中的辅助手段,被火灾调查人员利用[7]。3ds max软件作为虚拟现实技术软件[8],可以在还原火灾现场,重现火灾发生过程上发挥作用,增强火灾调查人员的办案水平,同时可以更直观的向当事人解释起火原因认定的依据。




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